Thursday, November 16, 2017


One of the first 5 behaviors taught in SUE AILSBY'S TRAINING LEVELS is the COME GAME which basically gets a dog coming quickly and enthusiastically between at least 2 people.

This is a great game for Luna's family to play while she is on her overnights with them and we will be adding all kinds of extra bits to make it more challenging for her.   This teaches her not only to come to each of them, but in the event there was ever an accident or she was hurt, frightened or lost - I would rather her go to someone willingly than run.

I know so many handlers that don't want their dogs to go to other people for various reasons, but I would rather my dog willingly go to someone and be safe than run the streets or worse, get hit by a car because they were never taught this simple game.

Luka is a good example.  He has been with me for years now but came to me as an unadoptable rescue.  He was the last of 6 siblings the rescue was trying to place, had no people skills and did not want to interact in any way, stayed to himself and if he got out - you weren't going to get him back without MAJOR effort on your part. 

He was 7 months old in this picture and already a jaded soul.  It took us a very long time to create a positive people response in him but it is still weak in regards to other people outside of his close inner circle.

This was tested one day when he and 3 of our other dogs managed to find a weak spot in the fence and escape.  They happily gallivanted for much of the day before we were able to locate and grab them.

But Luka, my dear sweet medical misfit who was already going blind and partially deaf, was having none of the catching him business.  He ran from the ACO, the police, the people trying to cajole him into coming.  He was in the woods, crossing rivers, clearing fences like a gazelle and all in the wrong direction.  The more people tried to reach him - the further and faster he went - he wasn't having any of that catch me business.

I finally was able to get him when he realized it was me calling and came to the edge of the woods, stopping long enough to realize a familiar voice but even then it took him about 10 minutes to trust it was me.

He is a prime example of why this early training is so important.  He has come so far with me and my close family and he continues to improve - but to be honest as his eyesight has gone and he has little hearing left - he is more content to just hang out.  He gets around really well for a dog with as many issues as he has (you'll see him in the occasional video cameo) but for the most part - he is an old man at 5yrs old.

We work on his recall passively and it is pretty good if he hears you (and there isn't a deer running in front of him) but it could be better.  Most dogs recalls could.  But that is why this is in the top 5 first things to teach this little lady.  COME saves doggie lives.  I will be adding a whistle cue to her training from this week as well.  I look forward to her progress with this!

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