Sunday, November 5, 2017


She has fit right in.  We had a rough night getting her settled, so we are running on only a few hours sleep at the moment but so is the life of many a new puppy handler! 

I let everyone out for a potty break and the yard was still wet from the rain and fog last night.  We started introducing the bell by the door for Potty Notices and this will be one of the first few things she learns.   Of course there will be more information and videos of this as we go so if you are struggling with potty training or just want more information on this technique, stay tuned!

She had a pretty full on last few days so the next few will just be her having a chance to settle in, get her head around her new life and relax with my dogs. 

I had to laugh at her ingenuity this morning.  I come back from starting a load of puppy laundry from the car to find her having solved the issue of how to stay warm and dry in an otherwise wet yard - just use Luka as a pillow of course!  Yeah - she's going to fit in just fine here!

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