Sunday, November 12, 2017


These adorable squishy faces belong to Rebecca, a dear friend in Christiansburg VA that I don't get to see nearly enough.  Meet IZZY (Boston Terrier), LANEY (Frenchton) & LILO (French Bulldog) - all completely unrelated.  They are all still young - Lilo and Laney are still pups.

Rebecca and I finally got to catch up last night and I asked if I could bring Luna along for some socialization.  It it so important for pups of her age to meet other dogs that I know are safe and cared for and not a health hazard.

I realize many vets are still recommending that people do not let their dogs touch grass or be around other pups until they are fully vaccinated and some vets still say 6 months. 

This is NOT a good idea.  Yes, parvo and distemper can be extremely dangerous and am not advising you not to be cautious but the truth is both can be transferred on your shoes, clothing, soil, water, toys etc and are more commonly picked up AT the vets office - where sick dogs are on a daily basis, or from animal shelters, than are contracted at puppy classes or in the general public.

The current position standing of the AVSAB (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) is that socialization should begin at 7-8 weeks and has been their position since 2008.  Key learning opportunities are missed if you wait 4-6 months to begin socialization.  This doesn't mean taking them everywhere indiscriminately and just plopping them down, but it does mean careful exposure to situations and having playdates like these.

We arrived at Rebecca's after a very uneventful car trip (1.5hrs).  She is settling into her rides much more easily now.  We had Rebecca's group behind a baby gate so I could control the interaction.  You don't want to bring a new pup into an established group's house and just let it all fly.

Rebecca's dogs were curious and excited but polite.  

They are a more vocal bunch than what she was used to so it took her a second to brave the gate.

I just supported her through it - giving her a chance to approach or retreat as she felt she needed to.

Rebecca worked with her crew on the other side of the fence and we introduced them one at a time into the living room starting with the more mellow Lilo.

After much sniffing - he was just ready to play.  Then we introduced Izzy and finally added Laney as she is the youngest and most energetic.  It didn't take long for everyone to settle down and act like it was just a normal day in the neighborhood.

Luna thought Rebecca was just the bee's knees and was quite happy to just sit and cuddle.

Once we got dinner sorted, we moved into the kitchen and Luna got to practice her Matwork skills in a different place and different bed.  She isn't picky.  She is all about her comfort and quickly made herself at home in the first available bed.

Rebecca's guys didn't mind sharing.  Overall everyone did VERY well.  I picked up the raised beds I had ordered so I can put a smaller one in the kitchen for her to hang out with me on at night - at least for a few months before she out grows it.

Rebecca gave her a little cuddle bed that she just fits in now as well and she thinks that it the best thing ever.  If it fits, I sitz!

#thestruggleisreal Baby Dog!

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