Wednesday, November 15, 2017


We have had a bit of unexpected tummy trouble for the last few days and I was concerned Miss Luna was looking a bit skinny in comparison to her siblings, so just to be sure everything was okay - we made a trip to the vet today.

There are many reasons pups can develop upset stomachs and although she was not running a temperature or showing any signs of distress, she does have some loose stool and I wanted to just rule out that she needed another worming and that she was negative for things like coccidia and giardia. 

Both of these are common in puppies and even more common when pups have access to "farm/country" life where they could eat other animal feces or drink from puddles/streams where an infected animal may have pooped etc.

It also happens in dog parks, city streets and your own backyard, but an estimated 35-60% of puppies will contract one of the two in their lifetime - so better safe than sorry.  Sometimes the only symptom is diarrhea and though she wasn't that bad - we just wanted to be sure.

We had a short wait to see Dr. Munich so I took this time to work on some general handling skills on the table, like checking her ears, teeth, tail, feet and eyes.  The girls took her back and weighed her and trimmed her nails as well.  She was unfazed even though I noticed they quicked one of her nails in the front.

9wk weight = 17.1lbs which is a gain of 2.3lbs in 6 days.  So although she is looking very leggy here, Dr. Munich is happy that she is putting on weight at a regular level and we will see at her next vaccination appointment on 11.24.17 how that is progressing. 

We practiced her Settle (which is an over on one hip, relaxed DOWN with duration) behavior on the table, even when people arrive or walk past.  She did great and even fell asleep waiting on her fecal test results.  (All negative)

Nice job little one!

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