Wednesday, January 24, 2018


STAR PUPPY Class tonight 

After class we worked on new obstacles which will count towards not only her LEVEL 3 CONTACT and THROUGH for Dog Scouts but are great body awareness exercises.  
We tried the teeter as well but she showed me we need to go back to some rear end awareness exercises for her as she had no clue where her butt was or that she could put her back feet on the object.  She just walked it sideways for the most part.   
She hadn't worked on any of these before tonight and after just a few reps - she had it!  Good girl!

Saturday, January 20, 2018


We are working on a variety of things, on and off leash, with distractions as part of Luna's LEVEL 2 and C.L.A.S.S. skill sets.

Reliable SETTLE
Handler FOCUS with Distraction
Off Leash RECALL
Off Leash LEAVE IT
Appropriate People Greetings - 4 on the Floor
TOUCH from a Distance


This is why I ❤️ my local Tractor Supply. When one of the staff said she had her goat at work, I asked if I could bring Luna down. She said yes and we got to do some awesome training.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Luna is doing her first night of STAR Puppy class sessions for her training enrichment. As an Evaluator myself, I can't test her so we need to take a 6 week course under another trainer to certify.

There are 6 other pups in this class ranging from itty-bitty Pittie babies to the boxer you can see beside her.

Here she is practicing her Settle behavior around new stimulus waiting her turn - this is a new place, dogs she has never met, kids running around, people wanting to pet her... and I'm asking her to focus on me and relax...

She's such a good girl and did so very well this week with a tremendous distraction challenge.

Friday, January 12, 2018


These two are never far apart - she loves her Fizzy. 

But there is more than just cute pics going on here.  What does your dog do when you are cooking or eating?  I live in a very small old farmhouse and there is not a ton of room for dogs to be milling around while I am cooking.  The big boys, Gryph and Luka tend to hang out on the beds in the adjoining bedroom and the girls are happy to settle on this bed in the kitchen so they can keep an eye on things but not be in the way.

Teaching your dogs to automatically go to their space when you start preparing dinner and stay there while you are eating can be a huge help and it is a great IMPULSE CONTROL behavior. 

It stops accidents from being underfoot, stops begging and scavenging, prevents counter surfing behaviors and creates calmness and an automatic SETTLE behavior.  Every house can benefit from this!

Sunday, January 7, 2018


We're back but the weather has been quite a mess and Luna says she needs to catch up on her beauty rest by the heater. 

She eventually kicked everyone else off and stretched out!