Saturday, November 4, 2017


Our next stop was the most important of the day - Luna's family had been excitedly waiting to meet their baby all day and the time had arrived.  She had a good nap on the drive out to them so she was ready to be a real social butterfly.

Her upcoming handler is Daishia, the young lady above.  First we did introductions to the family and let Luna settle into the new space. 

She made herself right at home.

They have two adorable pugs, Steeler and Brutus (Buddha) who were excited to meet her too. 

So somewhere, somehow along the way, my new Samsung Note 8 decided to randomly delete photos and videos I had taken and so there is a bit of a gap here in with her interacting with the boys.  This will be a work in progress to get them used to having another dog in the house.  She was pretty unphased and I think should handle her stays with them well.

After much playing and a little play biting which we need to work on, she settled down for some cuddles and Daishia ended up putting her to sleep with a puppy head massage.  LOL  She won't fit in laps for long, but for now she was a very contented pup!

It was getting late and I still had 4 hours of driving to do so sadly we had to start wrapping things up for the night. 

I will be bringing her up every month to work with Daishia and stay with the family but a month is a long time when it's your new baby we're talking about.

All in all, I think this match is going to be a good one.  I was really happy with her behavior overall, the family are in love and I already see a lot of potential in this little spark.  Congratulations Gainer family!

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